
Challenges with Traditional Asset Identification Systems

Every company needs a way to label their assets, like chairs and computers, with IDs. These IDs serve two purposes:

  1. Uniqueness: Making sure each asset has its own distinct label.
  2. Information: Providing details about the asset, like which department it belongs to or when it was bought.

Why It’s Hard to Get Right

Traditional asset identification code structure

  • Keeping IDs Unique: When humans give out IDs, mistakes can happen. We might accidentally give two assets the same ID. Even when computers handle this task, problems can arise, especially when the computer system is down or when there are too many items to track.
  • Keeping IDs Informative: The information in an asset’s ID can change over time. For instance, a chair might move from the accounting department to engineering. If we change the ID every time such a shift occurs, it becomes hard to keep track. So, some companies just keep the old ID and make a mental note of the change. This can be confusing.

The Solution: Simple and Modern

  • Global IDs: These are unique codes that any department can create without needing to check with others. They can be created beforehand, and don’t depend on computer systems being up. They make sure each asset always gets a distinct label.
  • QR Codes: Think of these like those square barcodes you can scan with your phone. They can be set up to lead to a page with always up-to-date information about an asset. Instead of trying to remember or decode an ID, anyone can just scan the QR code with a smartphone to get all the details.

That’s what our Trak platform offers: easy-to-use global IDs and QR codes for tracking assets. Want to give it a try? Reach out to us for a free trial! More technical details on asset identification are available.

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